The internet is a massive space with millions of websites competing to win the race. Amidst this neck-to-neck competition, many businesses fail to appear as expected and remain forever unnoticed. This could be you!
The function of the search engine is such that it only allows those websites to be seen in the search results page that are highly organic and qualify the standards that the customers are looking for.
Here’s why your website might not be receiving enough traffic!
- Your website is a tortoise
The search engine has very quick decisions to make every second. It cannot afford to waste even a single moment waiting for a website that is too slow to reveal its relevance. Thus, it is most likely to get neglected.
Slow loading is a big ‘NO’ for websites that want to earn quick traffic. Infact, stats suggest that you will experience 37% bounces if your site takes 5 seconds to load.
Since the speed of each website plays a highly essential role in the ranking, it might bring you immense loss. Speed up your website by using limited coding, using relevant information as per need and enabling compression.
- Your SEO company is not as experienced
The internet is flooded with SEO companies that promise to launch you amidst the organic search results list. Many of them may even flaunt their technologies to attract enough customers but the problem is, they might be betraying you.
Follow a general set of guidelines prescribed on the internet before you want to join hands with an SEO firm. Make sure that they are reliable by reading everything carefully. Don’t give away your hard-earned money to companies that do not deserve a penny. Read online reviews and hire the best and affordable seo firms of India for your business.
- The content is quantity but NOT quality
We’ve all heard that ‘Content is King’ but how many of us take it seriously? Consistency isn’t the only thing that is required to drive in good traffic. Without good content, anything you do will fail to bring you the desired effect. The power of good content marketing was so much that it was acclaimed as the most effective tactic for 2019.
Since the search engines are all ears for relevant content, they are in a rush to select the best pages with the most relevant content that the customers might be looking for. Aside from that, non-plagiarism, grammatical errors and innovation are also a few factors that the search engine considers before selecting your piece.
By adhering to each of these pointers, and adding your own USP you can win the search result section organically. Hiring a potential content writer can do wonders for this purpose.
- You are only targeting high competition keywords
The search engine’s algorithm is such that if you only target popular keywords that are high in competition, the search engine might be unable to recognize you alone because of the already existing list.
This is exactly why websites are constantly being advised to use those keywords that are not so popular or high in the competition. This will help you seep through the clutter and reach your prospects in comparatively kisser time.
- You are creating not promoting
We all know that content and consistency are very important factors to consider while driving in enough traffic on your website. But what’s the point of creating something that is hardly seen by people?
So, if you’ve been creating new blog posts every day, now you know what’s wrong! Use the power of social media to promote your work. Ask your friends and family members to help you do the promotion. If you want easy traffic, a paid advertisement can also work wonders. The more you promote your website through various channels, the faster search engines are likely to find you.
- Your social media presence is nil
In the digital world, your business’s presence on social media is very important. No matter how far you go with SEO strategies, your clients will not trust you if you do not have a regular social media presence. Think of it as a client.
Would you trust a company that hardly has any sign of existence anywhere expect a single page? Would you rely on a brand that doesn’t have enough information to provide? No, right? That’s exactly why this means so much to your business.
Don’t give up!
If you are committing even one out of the listed six, you know what’s wrong with your website. Thus, dig for the solutions and rectify them immediately. It’s either now or never!
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