This is a new topic in which we will select a top 10 of our favorite articles from the past week . Feel free to comment and let us dicover new articles.
GuideGuide: Free Plugin For Dealing With Grids In Photoshop
Take a moment and think about creating a multi-column grid in a Photoshop comp. Have your palms started to sweat? Yes, creating grids in Photoshop is a pain indeed. Some designers just estimate and drag guides arbitrarily onto the stage. Others draw vector shapes, duplicate them to represent columns, then stretch them to fit their design. The hardy few who don’t say things like, “I’m a designer, not a mathematician,” generally use a little math and logic to calculate their grid.
20+ Free Android Apps for a More Productive 2012
As the new year beckons, resolution time is upon the masses once more. For those who are wishing that they can keep themselves more productive in 2012, we have put together a list of apps for all those Android users (who some readers have suggested we have been neglecting) to help them keep their resolutions going all year long. We took to the reviews and looked around at the various suggestions offered around the web to find a range of apps that we hope can help cover all of your bases for staying on track.
10 Popular Flickr Groups for Photo Manipulations
Photo manipulation has now become an important part of the modern art and our everyday life, in general. Some years ago photo editing involved only adding basic lights, shadows and makeup, but now a days photo manipulation can totally change the finished product.
60 Delicious Food Inspired Logo Design
60 Delicious Food Inspired Logo Design is here to inspire logo designers everywhere to create more unique themed logo. if you have to create a logo for a restaurant be inspired as you browse through this amazing collection .
35+ Excellent jQuery Animation Techniques and Tutorials
The showcasing images lets you get familiar with some appealing interaction techniques and have captions to slide up which gives out more information on any particular picture when users linger around. The cross fade transition of images lets you bring a faded picture in and superimposes with the present image. One can display information on different types of images. There are some jQuery tutorials on animation which explain the idea of hiding and displaying elements.
A Collection of Creative Global Google Doodles for 2011
Today, as we welcome another year, allow us to give you a round-up of global Google Doodles in 2011 including the first Google Doodle in 2012. Take a look below and be amazed at their amazing artistry.
How To Create An Effective FAQ For Your Website
But FAQ’s are a different type of content. Just like search and sitemap, it has its own particularities and things that you can do to improve user experience. You have to keep in mind, for instance, that users don’t go to FAQ pages, you have to lead them there. Here we’ll see a couple of thoughts about it, good practices, inspiration and tools.So, let’s rock!
Coolest Apps From 2011 You Would Never Want To Miss In 2012
This is the list of Coolest Apps Of 2011 You Would Never Want To Miss In 2012. We have categorized them as Web Apps, Desktop Apps and Smartphone/Tablet PC Apps. Just take a look at them and share your thought’s here.
The Importance of Link Building
The importance of link building is evident in the following example: “When A says that A is good, not everyone will believe it, but when one hundred other people say that A is good, it definitely adds value.” You know that your site has quality content, but if you are the only one who says so, it will not add as much value as when many other sites say the same.
Design Best Practices for the Mobile Web
Mobile web interfaces take a different sort of design practice, whether they are for mobile websites or native mobile applications. With a different sort of device, and a more noticeably different screen size, we as designers must consider a new set of best practices for design.
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