Brand differentiation is one powerful strategy that will make your brand stand out in the market. Your brand needs to have a competitive edge against other brands producing similar products. Of course, being unique will earn you more customers and boost sales! Now, your brand differentiation strategies should be attractive to customers and relevant to both your business goals and products. Let us look at some ways you can differentiate your brand from the competition.
Incorporate good storytelling techniques
Customers enjoy hearing underdog stories with humble beginnings. Using the “David and Goliath” strategy will challenge competitors who perceive themselves as the best brand there is. Give your customers a compelling story about your core values and beliefs.
Select an appropriate pricing strategy
There are two ways you can go about selecting an effective pricing strategy. You could choose to charge an economy price for a high-quality product or set high pricing for a premium experience.
Over-deliver on customer support
Ensure you are available to customers for any queries and exceed their expectations. Differentiate your brand from others by offering extended warranties and free shipping. They should be able to return any defective products as well.
Be innovative
Use your creativity to offer your customers a product that enhances their quality of life. Innovation could also mean changing the product’s name and packaging.
Solve customer’s problems
Do your research and find out what your competitors don’t provide that you can offer to your clients. Solving customer problems is a sure way to stay relevant in a cluttered niche.
Appeal to emotions
Strive to sell experiences rather than products to your clients. Customers will keep coming back for more of those feel-good emotions such as happiness, holiday cheer, and motivation. Clients will also stick around when they feel like they have a sense of belonging.
Invest in branding and packaging
You should also make your products stand out on the shelves or in online stores. You can do so by investing in top-quality branding services. Invest in graphic designs to elevate the look of your logo, typography, and the likes as a way to capture your client’s attention.
Give back to the society
Corporate social responsibility gives your brand a competitive advantage. Customers love to support a brand that gives back to the less fortunate and the society at large. You could also appeal to customers by going green, incorporating environmentally friendly packaging, and organizing environmental charity rallies.
Use mascots for personification
Mascots have a way of creating a sense of humour and attracting customers, even though the character has nothing to do with the product you are selling.
Redefine your product
If your product can be used for more than one purpose, differentiate your brand by switching up the packaging to include the various uses. Have an effective marketing strategy in place to spread the word and boost sales.
Use Shock value to your advantage
Be careful when using shock value to differentiate your brand from competitors, as you can easily receive backlash. Direct the outrage you receive towards your brand’s values and beliefs.
Final Remarks
The main aim of brand differentiation is to avoid predatory pricing by establishing a competitive advantage. By implementing brand differentiation strategies, you stand a chance of increasing sales and boosting your market share in the long run.
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